Trading signals

Looking for reliable recommendations from professional traders?
You found them!

Trading signals in MetaTrader 5

The optimal solution for a successful start.

The service offers you access to thousands of trading strategies and signals from successful traders in real time.
Find a suitable trader from the signal rating and subscribe to him. MT5 will automatically copy the provider's trades to your account.

Copy-trading in MetaTrader 5

Trading signals for MetaTrader allow you to copy trades of other traders.

Traders, signal providers receive additional income


The service is integrated into MetaTrader 5 and is available for all trading accounts.


Use different signal providers to diversify risks.


You pay only the subscription price set by the signal provider.


You can opt out of copying trades at any time.

How to choose a signal provider?

Carefully study the statistics of work and the results of transactions of the selected provider of trading signals.
When choosing, pay attention to the total number and profitability of transactions, the growth rate and other characteristics to evaluate the effectiveness of the signal.
After connecting to a trading signal, the trades of the selected trader will be automatically executed on your account.
You can cancel your subscription at any time and choose another signal provider.

How to subscribe to a trading signal?

Open a trading account and install the MetaTrader 5 platform.
Register in the MQL5 community on the website.
Examine the showcase of trading signals, select the appropriate provider.
Subscribe to a signal provider of your choice.
Once subscribed, the signals will be automatically copied to your MT5 account.

Signal providers rating

Important! Trading signals are generated by a third party, ONEBID does not warrant that they are accurate or error-free. Nothing on this page should be construed as a suggestion, recommendation, or solicitation of any particular trading strategy. The Client is solely responsible for any transactions made as a result of the use of trading signals. If you have any doubts, we recommend that you contact a professional financial advisor who will help you make the right decision.